Modern Slavery Act Statement for Pride Mobility Products Ltd
Pride Mobility Products Ltd Corporate Disclosure
Pride Mobility Products Ltd is dedicated to conducting business in a lawful and ethical manner. It is Pride’s expectation that the suppliers we deal with also conduct themselves in such a manner.. In order for Pride Mobility to act on its commitment to eradicate and prevent slavery and trafficking in its supply chains, Pride has various processes in place to evaluate and address such risks of human trafficking and slavery. These processes are conducted by Pride Mobility Corporation, USA and ourselves here in the UK. These verification processes involve all individuals and departments involved with our suppliers including our internal audit teams.
Training is provided to identify and report human trafficking and slavery with all staff employed directly or indirectly with Pride Mobility who are linked to the supply chain. A policy on human trafficking and slavery has also been issued to all Pride Mobility UK employees.
All suppliers with links to Pride Mobility have been made aware of our commitment to conduct business in a lawful and ethical manner and our expectations for all suppliers to act in the same way. Pride Mobility have issued our suppliers with our Supplier Code of Conduct which, among others issues specifically forbids the use of forced or involuntary labour of any kind, including unlawful child labour. The supplier’s code of conduct includes an acknowledgement that all suppliers must sign to state their responsibility for knowing and abiding to the standards of our suppliers code of conduct. As well as the above Pride Mobility; have issued out a policy regarding human trafficking and slavery to all involved in the supply chain.
Pride Mobility Corporation will conduct audits of all its suppliers to monitor all ongoing compliance to the code of conduct and all other policies in relation to our statement on abiding to lawful practice and conducting ourselves in an ethical manner. Pride Mobility Corporation will on behalf of all Pride subsidiaries complete both announced and unannounced audits. Since all our employees are trained to identify non – compliance, they have a duty to report any potential unlawful or unethical conduct within the supply chain.
Pride Mobility Products Supplier Code of Ethics
Pride Mobility values its reputation for conducting business honestly and with integrity. We have prided ourselves in on carrying out business the Pride way – striving to be a vital, self-renewing, worldwide business which, in the framework of ethical practices and enlightened social responsibility, grows and produces wealth for our customers, employees, shareholders and communities.
Pride Mobility sees its suppliers as vital to its success. We therefore appoint suppliers who maintain a commitment to resilient ethical standards. Our supplier code of Ethics provides a foundation for Pride Mobility and its suppliers to shape and maintain relationships based on fairness, trust, respect for the rights of the individual, compliance with the law and maintainable business practices.
Note: Every external resource including contractors, sub-contractors, vendors, consultants and any others which we may rely on as a company are all referred to as suppliers in the supplier code of ethics.
Legal Compliance
Above all else as a company we are committed to obey to the law of which ever country we operate / conduct business out of. We therefore expect all of our suppliers to do the same, to that end we state that our suppliers;
- Stand by our gift and entertainment policy
- Use fair employment practices and provide a safe and productive work environment for its employees. Salaries and other related benefits should meet at least the legal or industry minimum standard in the country where they operate from. Applicable laws and industry standards on working hours in each country should be applied. Safe and healthy workplaces should be offered to all employees. Plus all our suppliers will comply with the minimum age requirements prescribed by the law of that country.
- Our suppliers must not use or support directly or indirectly the use of forced labour, or commit or support directly or indirectly other gross human rights violations and abuse such as wide spread sexual violence, war crimes or other serious violations of the international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide, nor shall any employee be required to lodge or deposit identity papers when commencing employment.
- Suppliers must not directly or indirectly support non-state armed groups through the extraction, trade, transport, handling or export minerals. This support includes but is not limited to procuring minerals from, making payments to or otherwise providing logistical assistance or equipment to non-state armed groups or who they affiliate with.
- Suppliers must oversee their business in a sustainable and responsible manner. At a minimum all suppliers are expected to meet all applicable environmental rules, regulations and laws in the countries that they operate out of.
- Continue to maintain the confidentiality of our proprietary information and trade secrets. As part of the commitment we expect our suppliers to only use the Pride Mobility brand names and trademarks where permitted to do so.
- Carry out business in an ethical and transparent manner, not offer any bribes, kickbacks or improper payments of any kind to government officials or third parties for purpose of obtaining or retaining business or to gain an improper advantage. Suppliers are required to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as well as local anti-bribery laws in each jurisdiction they do business in.
Pride Mobility will use numerous methods to assess supplier and sub-contractor performance in these areas. The adherence to the code must be primarily based on trust, however Pride will, from time to time perform audits, supplier assessments and regular requests for data related to the supplier and sub-contractor.
If any of our suppliers deviated from the code we would take appropriate and corrective measures to rectify.
If any of our suppliers or sub-contractors continually refuses to implement the appropriate corrective and preventative actions or anyone who has critical deviations against the code, they will run the high risk of being excluded from our current and any future business of Pride Mobility.
Furthermore Pride Mobility will immediately suspend or discontinue any business with the supplier in question where we identify a reasonable risk that they are sourcing from, or linked to, any party committing serious abuses outlined in the above.
Our Commitment to our Suppliers
In our associations with our suppliers, we
- Will not offer, promise, give or demand any bribes and will resist the solicitation of bribes to conceal or disguise the origin of minerals, to misrepresent taxes, fees and royalties paid to governments for the purpose of mineral extraction, trade, handling or imports and exports.
- Pride will support efforts or take steps to contribute the effective elimination of money laundering where we see a reasonable risk of money laundering resulting from, or connected to the extraction, trade, handling, import or export of minerals derived from illegal taxation or extortion of minerals at points of access to mine sites, along any of our transportation routes or at points where minerals are traded by suppliers.
- Pride will not make any payments to employees of any suppliers to attain a lower price.
- Pride will not disclose a suppliers pricing, technology or any other confidential information without gaining the authorised consent form the supplier in advance.
- Pride will not make false or misleading comments or remarks to any other individual or supplier regarding another supplier, their products or their services.
If you have any questions of if you require classification of any of the above statement, you contact Pride Mobility to discuss further.